Thursday 22 March 2018

100 Word Challenge

My older brother smiles proudly down at me from the top of the tree. I glare up at him. Just because he is three years older than me he thinks that makes him better. He thinks I can’t climb to the top of the tree. I will show him.
I start by grabbing the lowest branches, trying to navigate the path that my brother had used to effortlessly climb. But how did he get up there? The gaps between branches become greater. I glance upwards, I’m not even halfway there. Then I slip. My legs give way beneath me, I tumble through the air. The ground rushes towards me and I hit it hard. Everything goes black.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you have used sentences for effect. Again, you have included specific verbs which give detail. I notice you also have adverbs - great. Your work is punctuated accurately. I enjoy reading your posts.
